Mt. Zion area is still waiting for rain and working land telephone lines. The farmers are busy harvesting corn and beans; some are baling corn stocks for this winter since we are so short on hay. Gardens are still producing peppers and tomatoes. Apples are beginning to ripen.
To thrive in life you need three bones; a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.
Terry and Judy Piepmeier made it Judy’s eye doctor appointment. Judy got a good report and is still smiling and keeping Terry busy.
Congratulations to LeRoy and Dortha Swopes who will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Sept. 19.
Wanda Rector has returned home from several days in Branson. While she was there she enjoyed lots of things especially Esther the play at Sight and Sound theater. She said the costumes were beautiful.
Marge Zink enjoyed visiting with Beverly Pelkey by phone. Her phone number is the same if you want to reach out to her or Tom. They are doing well.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle has about decided to just take a nap and wait for Mother Nature to send rain, but thankful for the cooler weather. Mabel is busy working up apples and keeping Robin busy. They miss the little people since they are in school. But they are enjoying school.
Eric Peterson from Springfield, visited his Uncle Howard Peters recently. Howard took supper with Brenda Peterson, Marge Zink and Mike and Stacy Griffith last weekend.
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