by Lana Sue Jones
Our Nov. 13 meeting was held in the home of our hostess Evelyn Boyle. Glenda Ware, president, called the meeting to order followed by the reading of the previous minutes and the treasurers report. There was no old business. New business was a donation to the Christmas Baskets project and the diaper bank project.
Evelyn Byle had the opinion on the Christmas season starting too early. Christmas items are on sale after Halloween and it seems Thanksgiving is over looked. Black Friday is also more emphasized than being thankful at Thanksgiving. The entertainment was a Thanksgiving word search.
Our program presented by Sherry Wiseman was on Barbie. She had an article about “Forty-three Surprising Things You May Not Know About Barbie.” In 1968 there was a Black Barbie and 1997 a wheel chair Barbie. She has had 250 careers and since 1992 has run for president in every election. Barbie is sold in 150 countries and holds the Guinness Book of records for most dolls in the world. The Barbie movie was Warner Brothers highest grossing film at 114 billion dollars and highest grossing domestic movie of the year. A mint condition doll sold for $27,450 in 1996 and a 2023 Barbie retails for $39.99. The doll is a favorite of all little girls.
The last meeting of the 2023 year was held with our hostess Georgia Detwiler in her beautiful Christmas decorated home. Glenda Ware, president, called the meeting to order followed by the treasurer report. No other business was conducted. We were entertained by pianists Daniel Flaten, Bella Saylor, and Verda Hargett, who played a duet with Bella. The following members served as co-hostess; Georgia, Sandi, Dorothy, Janet, Glenda B, Glenda W, and Sue, who provided delicious snacks after the program. Happy New Year to all.
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