by Helen Ellerman
Manlie and Gavin Crocker held a birthday party for their son, Caden Crocker’s, seventh birthday Sunday afternoon, July 31, at his grandmother’s restaurant, Madalyn’s Kitchen, with a lot of relatives and friends attending. Caden’s birthday was July 26.
Karen Coy went up by Sedalia to babysit her new grandson, Hunter Everett Coy, while his father and mother, Joey and Amy Coy, was at work this part week three different days. He was born on May 18.
Church service was held at the Harwood Baptist Church Sunday, July 31. Brother Jon Caudle Jr.’s sermon was taken from Luke 12 about the rich fool. Brother Jon Caudle Sr. taught Sunday School. The Caudles attended the fifth Sunday service at the Pine Street Baptist Church at Nevada Sunday evening, July 31.
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