by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Morning message at Rockville United Methodist Church by Pastor Larry Sorrells was titled “Show Me the Money” from Mathew 22:15-22. You are always welcome to join us for Worship Sundays at 9 a.m, Bible Study Tuesday at 9 a.m, Women’s Bible study Thursday 5 p.m.

Mt. Zion area and surrounding areas are having our share of fires. We need to be very careful as it is very dry. Farmers are finishing their harvesting. The frost killed some of the plants this last week.

We wish Irene Wilson a speedy recovery.

Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle is worrying that she might get fat and out of shape. Since Robin had her birthday she can’t seem to keep the 4 wheelers serviced, they had run out of gas and other problems that keep them not running. Belle and Speck like to exercise by racing Robin. Belle thinks a good rain will help and cooler weather.

Dixie Peterson still doing therapy at Truman Lake Manor.

Greg Pelkey visited Tom and Beverly Pelkey over the weekend. Greg didn’t know what to think of the Wood Fairy, only Dad could see a Wood Fairy.

John and Julia Snethen enjoyed Sunday dinner with David and Chryshella Vandivier in Knob Noster Sunday, spending the afternoon playing games. Julia made it to the beauty shop and shopping earlier in the week. John did his Oats Bus trip.

The exercise class has started at Ellett Memorial Hospital in Appleton City Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.