By Julia Snethen & Marge Zink
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church by Pastor Linda Wansing was titled “Where do we stand” from Revelation 3:20 II Corinthians 13:5. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area appreciated the April showers we got Friday and Saturday, glad we missed the storms that other areas got. The farmers have been busy planting corn; some fields are up, the wheat is pretty and green. Now days wheat grows lot shorter than when I was a kid, no amber waves anymore. The timber is getting leaves, the flowering trees are beautiful.
Wanda Rector enjoyed her grandson and family from St. Louis this past week.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle is still excited over the baby chickens, she decided her career will be a chicken heard dog and let Petey be a cow herd dog, Speck just wants to be Mabel’s dog. Robin is crocheting with a little hook and making pretty things. Mabel is thinking about making a garden and enjoying the little people.
Judy and Terry Piepmier are doing fine, Terry is back driving the hospital van and Judy is still smiling, got a good report from the doctor.
Tri-County Quilt Club will meet May 1, at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m., meeting at 1:30 pm, all quilters are welcome. Call Marge for more information at 660-598-4240.
John and Julia Snethen had a busy week with John keeping his bus route going and Julia keeping her appointments in Osceola, also doing some shopping before returning home. They attend the celebration of life for Julia’s niece Brandy Fuller Halvorson Saturday afternoon in Clinton at the First Baptist Church Recreation Hall and did some shopping afterward.
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