With the conclusion of the second week of the 2022 legislative session, bills are already being referred to committees.  As always, I appreciate hearing the public’s input on proposed legislation.

Among the measures I have filed for this legislative session are Senate Bill 654, a proposal that addresses provisions of law relating to mail-in and absentee voting; Senate Bill 655, which would modify provisions relating to the Missouri Local Government Employees’ Retirement System; Senate Bill 656, which relates to rural real estate loans; and Senate Joint Resolution 37, which would ask voters to modify the voter approval threshold for initiative petitions.

With committee hearings underway, we could see discussion before the Missouri Senate as soon as next week.

I am honored to serve as your Senator in the Missouri Senate.  If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at (573) 751-8793 or Sandy.Crawford@senate.mo.gov.