Care Connection for Aging Services is accepting appointments to help older adults compare Medicare Part D plans when open enrollment begins Oct. 15.

The agency has certified options counselors who can provide personalized comparisons of Medicare Part D (drug coverage) and Advantage (Medicare replacement) plans for beneficiaries in all its 13 West Central Missouri counties.

The services will be provided by appointment, which can be made by calling the nearest senior center or the number listed below.

Care Connection counselors are trained by CLAIM, which operates the Missouri State Health Insurance Program, to provide unbiased comparisons of the total costs for the plan year. The comparisons are based upon a beneficiary’s prescription medications and preferred pharmacy.

Beneficiaries will need to have their Medicare numbers, pharmacy preference, and prescription names, dosages, and frequency to get accurate comparisons.

Some options counselors will be providing in-person counseling sessions by appointment, while others will be providing the service via telephone and mail. The service is provided free, but contributions are accepted.

The plan comparison service is one of the most popular that the area agency on aging provides during the fall, when Medicare opens enrollment annually for Medicare Part D and Advantage plans.

Beneficiaries are encouraged to make the comparisons annually because Medicare plans change, and many individuals’ health and medications may be different. The enrollment period ends on Dec. 7.

Care Connection for Aging Services is a non-profit area agency on aging serving adults 60 and older in 13 West Central Missouri counties: Bates, Benton, Carroll, Cedar, Chariton, Henry, Hickory, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Saline, St. Clair, and Vernon. Its mission is to provide opportunities for positive aging experiences. For more information, call 1-800-748-7826 or visit

To make an appointment for Medicare enrollment assistance, call one of the numbers below:

El Dorado Springs – 417-876-5574

Stockton – 417-276-5306.

Nevada – 417-667-5487

Osceola – 417-646-8292