Department of Natural Resources offers funding to improve water quality
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has funding available for projects that will protect Missouri’s waters from pollution caused by stormwater runoff, also known as nonpoint source pollution. Responses to the new request for proposals for this federal grant funding are due by May 1, 2024.
Local governments, state agencies, educational institutions and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply for the grant funding. Research, land purchase and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit requirements are not eligible.
To be eligible for grant funding, an applicant must implement pollutant-reducing land management practices from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- and department-accepted watershed-based plan. Watersheds with active watershed-based plans include: Black Creek (Shelby County), Deer Creek (St. Louis County), Spring River, James River, Keifer Creek, Perry County Karst, Town Branch-Piper Creek, upper Little Sac River, Greater Bonne Femme and North and Middle Fabius rivers.
Grant awards can range from $50,000 to $400,000 and projects can span up to three years. Authorized by Section 319 of the federal Clean Water Act, the grant funding is provided by EPA and administered by the department.
Nonpoint source pollution occurs when excess surface runoff from rainfall or snowmelt carries pollutants, such as chemicals, bacteria, sediment and debris into nearby waters. Nonpoint source pollution is the greatest threat to water quality in Missouri and the nation. Controlling this type of pollution is particularly challenging because stormwater runoff travels across the landscape collecting pollutants, making it difficult to pinpoint and address their specific sources.
To respond to the request for proposals, visit For more information about the application process or about watershed-based plans, contact the department’s Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant Program at 573-751-5723 or 800-361-4827, or by email at
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