After a prayer by Mayor Nathan Murrell and the pledge of allegiance the Monday, Oct. 2. 2023, regular meeting of the El Dorado Springs City Council began. During the Public Forum, Ashley Richards, who works for the city in the Police Department spoke. She said she was speaking on her own and not as a member of the Police Department. She spoke of the long hours that everyone at the department experiences and how the department is under staffed. She said the pay was not commensurate with their work. She conclude by mentioning that the employees of the Police Department would much rather have a pay raise than a new  building.

A discussion of the budget began. At the last meeting department heads made their requests to the council and it was now the council’s turn to decide what the city could afford. The proposed budget included a 3 percent cost of living wage increase or the employees.

At the meeting of September 25, the council approved a tax collection contract with the Cedar County Collector. Also the council adopted a resolution applying for Federal Assistance from the land water conservation fund program for the purpose of demolition of the old pool and construction of the new pool and splash park.

Buried in the budget

COUNCIL DEALS WITH DEPARTMENT REQUESTS – The El Dorado Springs City Council discussed the 2023-2024 budget requests at the Monday, Oct. 2, meeting. All Councilmembers were present: Logan Friar, Allen Hicks, Gabby Kinnett, Mayor Nathan Murrell and Julie Savinske by way of Facetime. City Manager Bruce Rogers was present as was City Clerk Kandi Rotert.

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