The Rt. 54 Cruisers 31th Annual Car Show will be held in Downtown El Dorado Springs on Saturday, May 11. We are hoping for a beautiful day filled with sunshine as cars gather from the 4-State area to share their love of cars and trucks.

It will be a busy day with Registration from 8 to 11. Pre-registration cost is $20. Price day of show is $25. To Pre-register contact the Route 54 Cruisers Facebook Page or Turner Fugate. Presentation of awards will be at 2. A delicious breakfast of Sausage, Biscuits and Gravy will be served by the POPS Museum. At 10 kids will gather in the park for one of our newer events just for kids 12 years of age and under. There will be a hunt for hot wheels cars, then their name will be entered in a drawing for a Remote Control Car. Last year we had over 30 kids show up to participate in this event. Each child gets to keep the car they found so we should have a happy bunch of kids. A special thank you to Turner Fugate for the idea and to Delbert Bybee and Susan Payne for implementing the idea into a reality. Instructions will be given the day of the show for all the participants.

We will have a 50/50 pot drawing. Tickets will be sold for this event . We will once again have a raffle for a rifle. This years’ rifle is Berga BXR Carbon 22lr. Guys stop by to see this beautiful gun. The winner of the gun will be announced during Awards Presentation. We will also auction off a beautiful quilt and pillow made with Rt. 54 Cruisers t-shirts. Rick Swank has dreamed up several creations to auction . He makes lamps and critters from metal and car memorabilia. You won’t want to miss out on this part of our auction. Mark Boch has made another of his awesome park benches with a Chevy emblem.

Once again this year the Stockton American Legion Honor Guard will present colors as Mr. Alumbaugh sings the national anthem. We enjoy closing our show with this wonderful reminder of the great country in which we live and the price that others have paid for the freedoms we take so for granted.

The Car Show Classes have been revamped this year. There are 11 classes with dash plaques for the first 100 entries. Each class will be presented a trophy for the top 5 cars. We will have out of town judges for this event. The big prize of the day is the Best of Show award. Best of show recipient will receive a trophy, $200 cash award and a picture of their car will be on our next years’ car club t-shirt.

We want to thank all the Rt 54 Cruisers who pull together and make the show happen. Thanks to our welcoming committee, our registration team, and the guys who direct traffic. Our sponsors are an integral part of our show each year and we want to give them a big thank you for their faithfulness.

It’s a privilege to live and serve the El Dorado Springs and tri-county area. The money earned during the 2024 Rt. 54 Cruisers will be used for scholarships, family emergencies and community club needs.

As of December 31, 2023, the Route 54 Cruisers have donated a total of $91,056 for these various needs: Scholarships: $36,395, Christmas Baskets, Toy Drives: $26, 281 (El Dorado Springs, Stockton and Nevada) , Fire/Disasters & Family Emergencies: $21,030, Civic Groups: $7,350

Officers for 2023-2024 are Turner Fugate-President 417-296-5025, Bryce Payne- Vice-President 417-876-7132, Delbert Bybee-Secretary and Janelle Fugate-Treasurer

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