During its Monday, Nov.21, meeting, the El Dorado Springs City Council voted to purchase the option for $1,000 on five acres in the east Industrial Park. The City purchased the option on the five acres so Mid Continent Equity Holding can apply for tax credits with the Missouri Housing and Development Commission to build a 32 unit affordable housing complex. The purchaser, Mid Continent, would pay for the option with a purchase price of $128,000 if it exercises the option.
During the public forum, Police Chief Jarrod Schiereck updated the council on his investigation of the Juliet Shaw comments at the last meeting regarding recent thefts at her property. Schiereck said Shaw had five areas of concern: 1) why stolen property wasn’t seized when police exercised a search warrant on the accused property. Schiereck’s response: property was searched prior to the report of the stolen property. 2) Why the officer did not follow up on the investigation. Schiereck’s response: Some property was recovered and returned to Shaw. 3)
Why Shaw did not receive callback. Schiereck’s response: The officer called back numerous times. 4) What did the officer do with information given that there were two witnesses on a stolen camper? Schiereck’s response: The duty officer made contact with the witnesses and was told they had no idea what Shaw was talking about. 5. Why was the accused not charged? Sehiereck’s response: At this time there is not enough probable cause to link the suspect to the theft; however, the department is still working on it and they are the prime suspects at this time.
A resolution appointing directors to the Industrial Development Authority was presented and read in full. Rogers said the board has been inactive since 2012 and Citizens Memorial Hospital has requested that the IDA finance their bonds. In anticipation of an upcoming meeting, the members who have not resigned need to be re-appointed and new members appointed. The council voted to approve the resolution.
During his City Manager’s report, Rogers said that Sunbelt has taken samples in the creek from the electrical substation fire and the report shows no concerns. Sunbelt will be here possibly Tuesday to remove the soil from the substation location. RPQs have gone out for engineers with a due date of Dec. 2. Rogers has not received final word on the payment from the insurance company or what their decision is on the material salvage.
Rogers said Olson has begun work on the water well project.
Rogers reminded the council that the Christmas parade will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3.
True reported he was elected vice chair of the Kaysinger board of directors and executive board.
Council members present were Randy Bland, Jerry Baldwin, Nick Bland, Jimmy Luster and Brad True. Staff present were Police Chief Jarrod Schiereck, City Clerk Lisa Allison and City Manager Bruce Rogers.
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