Near the conclusion of the El Dorado Springs City Council meeting on Monday, Nov, 18, City Manager Bruce Rogers presented a series of undeposited checks and other documents that created a paper trail leading to unfinished work that had been the responsibility of Kandi Rotert.
Rogers said that besides the undeposited checks, Rotert had failed to enroll 14 employees in the city’s pension program (the pension program confirmed that there the 14 employees were not enrolled.) some for up to five years and had not deleted at least one employee that no longer worked for the city which caused the city to pay just under $12,000 into the health insurance program after the employee left in early February. The city will have to pay up to $60,000 to cover the 14 employees that were not enrolled and may have to pay a higher contribution rate in the future. City ws fined $21,000, which it cannot recoup, for failing to file a report with the state auditor’s office. Also, the Recorder of Deeds confirmed that the city had received special tax bills since 2019.
The council listened quietly to the evidence as Rogers explained the complications caused by Rotert not doing her job properly. Rogers also explained what, if anything might be done.
The council took no direct action at the time. The City Clerk is directly employed by the council not under the supervision of the city manager.
All council members were present: Logan Friar, Allen Hicks Gabby Kennett, Mayor Nathan Murrell and Alvan Reasoner. Also present were Rogers and acting City Clerk Britany Spencer.
Anthony Taylor of R&R Plumbing approached the council about a sewer for the property just north of the city limits. He has designed the property to have a restaurant, a recreation area and three -fourplexes. Rogers stated that the city has always required annexation before providing access to city sewer services
The council took no action.
During the mayor/council report, Kennett said a member of the community was pleased that properties on Jackson had been cleaned up. Rogers reported that there was no new information concerning the demolition of the old shirt factory building.
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