I had an opportunity to have short sit-down with Dr. Andrew Wyant recently regarding the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and his feelings about the overall health crisis that this illness is causing and has caused for our area. He commented, “A lot has been learned by ‘all of us’ since the onset, and I feel that we, at Cedar County Memorial Hospital are taking excellent care of patients who have had or are suffering from the illness. We have our designated COVID-19 area of care in the hospital and are able to sequester those who are ill with the Coronavirus separately from the general population of the hospital.”  He said, “a very large percentage of those with COVID-19 have been treated successfully right here in our hospital without the need for transfer, especially when we find that placement in larger hospitals is so difficult to secure.” He went on to say, “This challenge has allowed all areas of our hospital staff to grow and become even more proficient at patient care on many levels, especially when it comes to the more complex cases that we have seen recently. We have medications and proven treatments, both inpatient and outpatient, to help us help those in need. Negative-pressure treatment rooms have helped so much too — we’re doing a great job here.”

I also wanted to get his feelings on the COVID-19 vaccine since he has already received his first dose and is scheduled for his follow-up injection very soon. He said, “I’ve had no problems with the vaccine and I do feel that it will decrease the number of illnesses once the overall rate of vaccination reaches the 50-60% mark. I know that our turn is coming soon when our more rural areas will receive larger numbers of doses for our residents.” He continued, “The key continues to be testing and good judgement to reduce the easy spread – we should continue social distancing, mask wearing when appropriate,  diligent hand-washing, and limiting contacts and large gatherings — keep an eye out for any symptoms and watch your temperature.”

Lastly, Dr. Wyant would like everyone to be sure to take care of ‘other’ health issues at this time as well. “We are seeing an increased number of patients that have been a bit ‘afraid and reluctant’ to seek medical advice and treatment for their other issues such as diabetes to name one,” he said. He went on to say, “We are able to care for health related problems in the hospital without fear of COVID-19 exposure. So, please take care of your general health so that other issues and illnesses do not get out of control – and call us if you need us.” — “Thanks” Dr. Wyant – sure appreciate your perspective! – Jeanne Hoagland

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