Multiple agencies collaborate in the investigation, ensuring a thorough pursuit of justice
A quiet rural community is shaken as the investigation into a suspicious death in November has escalated to homicide charges against a Rich Hill resident. On November 14, 2024, deputies from the Bates County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call at a residence in Rich Hill, where they found Jerry McLay, 48, deceased from a single gunshot wound. Initially thought to be a suicide, the case soon transformed into a thorough investigation, leading detectives to classify it as a suspicious death.
Over the following two months, law enforcement authorities diligently pursued leads and executed around ten search warrants in connection with the case. The investigation unveiled a suspect, later identified as David A. Stewart, a known associate of McLay.
On January 13, 2025, authorities executed an arrest warrant for Stewart at his residence on West Chestnut. This arrest came after Stewart was identified in a separate home burglary involving stolen firearms, linked to him as having been pawned in Nevada, Missouri. Following his arrest, the Bates County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at Stewart’s residence, enlisting the assistance of the Lees Summit Police Department’s Bomb Squad, the FBI, and the Rich Hill Fire Department due to information developed during the investigation.
As the investigation further progressed, charges against Stewart intensified. On January 16, Bates County Prosecutor Hugh Jenkins formally charged Stewart with first-degree homicide and armed criminal action, setting his bond at an unprecedented $1,000,000 cash only. Stewart is currently being held in the Vernon County Jail and is scheduled for a bond appearance hearing on Thursday, January 23, 2025, in front of Judge Fisher.
Sheriff Anderson emphasized the importance of conducting thorough investigations into all deaths, noting, “This case has been very labor-intensive over the last two months. I am proud of the determination and dedication of all my staff and all those agencies who worked on this case as a team. Our sympathy goes out to the family of Jerry McLay. We are far from justice being served until this case is adjudicated through the court system.”
The Bates County Sheriff’s Office has received extensive support from a range of agencies, including the Lees Summit Police Department Bomb Squad, the FBI Field Office out of Kansas City, the Kansas City Police Department’s Crimes Scene Unit, Bates County EMS, and Bates County Coroners Greg Mullinax and Jerret Reno. Additionally, the Jackson County Medical Examiner’s Office, Vernon County Sheriff’s Office, Nevada Police Department, the Vernon and Bates County Prosecutor’s Offices, St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office, and Rich Hill Police and Fire Departments have played vital roles in the investigation.
The investigation remains ongoing, and authorities encourage anyone with information to contact detectives at 660-679-3232. Updates on the case will be provided as they become available, but currently, the focus remains on delivering justice for Jerry McLay and ensuring community safety.
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