I was reading Leslie Ray’s letter in last week’s paper. Thank you, Les, for mentioning the “fantastic program” put on by the VFW that didn’t meet your standards. It appears most of El Dorado Springs need to study up on flag protocol.
Les, are you a member of VFW? I’ve never seen you at any of the meetings, but I’m a new as an auxiliary member. Maybe you have attended all of the meetings and I’ve just not seen you.
In my opinion, the local VFW does more to “honor the deceased veterans” than lower the flag. Actually, the post does a good job helping the “veterans still alive,” too. It bothers me that an individual doesn’t attend a meeting, but wants to preach protocol to the ones that DO attend and take part in the ceremonies. If it is important enough for you to reprimand, maybe you should join and see what you can do to help.
And please, don’t tell me the raising and lowering of the flag is the only way one can show respect and honor to the deceased veterans. Maybe the lowering of the flag is the way you choose to show respect, but hopefully it isn’t the ONLY way. I’m proud to be part of a group whose goal is to help the local veterans. That’s what it’s about—not the day, not the forgetting to raise or lower the flag. They are doing something. How about you?
Thank you, I’m sure the VFW and surrounding offenders will do better next year.
Lynda Bishop
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