The St. Clair County Commission met Monday, Oct. 21, with Robert Salmon, presiding commissioner; Leroy Strope, north commissioner; Gerald Williams, south commissioner; Debbie Peden, county clerk-absent and Lori Rowe, administrative assistant present.

The Commissioner had a discussion about road conditions and the locations of equipment. A constituent came in to report a concern on NW 650 Rd.

A motion was made to accept the bid from Grainger Dirt Works for bridge rail replacement in bridge # 26200231. Commissioner Williams made the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

Commission met Monday, Oct. 28, with all present.

CART Revenues received were $58,497.21. $42,010.71 was the portion going to Common Road District. Out of these revenues, funds were allocated to the following Special Road Districts: Appleton City Special $2,914.28; Chloe Special $1,915.10; Collins Special $3,746.93; Hillsdale Special $1,915.10; Osceola Special $3,080.81; Vista Special $2,914.28.

Note: CART is County Aid Road Trust. This is the County’s portion of Missouri motor fuel tax. Motor vehicle sales tax and motor vehicle license fee increases.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran met with the Commission. They discussed roads, ditches, pipes and scheduled pipe installations. Also discussed were the locations and condition of equipment. A couple of constituents called in about concerns with their roads and when the bridge railing would be complete.

Commission met Thursday, Oct. 31, with all present.

The Commission spoke with Sheriff Keeler regarding a deposit of half the quote for the camera system at the jail.

The Commission spoke with the Collector Pam Guffey regarding payment for postage to Input Technology Inc., which is the company hired to print and send the tax statements for 2019.

Commissioner Strope made a motion to approve the Land Commissioner’s Sale of Lot 4 at Twin Oaks Harbor to Guy W. Gooch for $388.08. Motion passed.

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