The sign Kimball hangs on our front door each year is up: Dear Santa. Define good.

Kimball has been decorating like crazy. We expect a house full of company for Christmas. Four grandkids will be a houseful.

Kimball gave me a birthday card  (or it was addressed to You) I looked at again this morning. aDec. 14” is the big day I’m told. On the front of the card is Maxine. She says, “Good news. People are living longer.”

Inside the card, Maxine continues, “Bad news. We don’t get to pick which ones.”

Kimball or someone signing the card as Me, wrote, “I’d choose you.”

– Talk about birthdays. I got an email that says.

Bowhead whales routinely live to over 200…

• The hand-sized quahog clams often live to a ripe age of 500…

• Tiny sea urchins regularly live to be over 250 years of age…

• And the so called “immortal jellyfish” is believed capable of living forever…

So why do we humans only live to be 79 on average?

For the longest time, scientists were stumped…

But recently all of that changed…

After Dr. Maria Blasco…

A Spanish Scientist who studied under two previous Nobel Prize winners…made a startling discovery. 

Dr. Blasco turned her attention to something called “telomeres”…

Which are protective caps found in both animal and human DNA…

And she realized that while scientists have been studying telomeres for decades…

They’d been getting one tiny thing about telomeres wrong…

And that this one oversight explains exactly why some animals live for hundreds of years…

While humans only live for a handful of decades. 

When 50 adults used a scientifically developed protocol…

Something that was that’s based off Dr. Blasco’s research….

It was found that the participants reversed their cellular aging by 8.5 years on average…

With many participants seeing age reversals of 21…23…and even 27 years. 

– OK, who keeps track of these 500-year-old clams? And just how do they “know” that they live for 500 years?

Guess we’ll have to ask God. He’s the only one of three I know in the “forever” category. KL

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