The annual El Dorado Springs Christmas Lighting will begin in the Park at 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21. Kimball has a yes from Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, Rep. Warren Love and Cedar County Sheriff James McCrary. She left a message for Governor Eric Greitens and Police Chief Jarrod Schiereck.
This is your reminder to be there for free hotdogs, the crowning of Miss Merry Christmas and the introduction of the Little Miss and Little Mr. candidates and maybe to meet some folks you won’t be seeing every day.
– Last Tuesday, I didn’t have the radio or the TV on all day. Never do. Too busy putting out your newspaper.
And I didn’t want to hear any bad news. I figured the national media would be in full coronation mode for “her.” I was talking Wednesday morning with Mark Koca and he said he wasn’t listening because it just made him mad. While I was in his office he calculated the bond election numbers and we were both pleased.
On a normal Tuesday night, I try to get out of the office and go home by a little after 9:30 so I can get in bed by 10 and grab four hours of sleep before my alarm goes off at 2 a.m. Then I stumble around and track down my clothes so I can get to Nevada by 3 a.m. to start inserting the newspapers I leave in Nevada and here in ElDo. Then I toss the rest of them in the back of the pickup and bring them home.
An election night throws everything off schedule. When I got to the Daily Mail, they were just starting on my paper. About 3:30 a.m. I went into the insert room, picked out a comfortable looking chair and sat down for a nap.
I told the two guys working there, Robert and Daniel, that I hadn’t heard any election results and didn’t want to hear any. Daniel Barnett, a nice young man, asked politely, “Do you want to know who is president? I can tell you.”
I didn’t want to be rude so I decided to man up and take the bad news. I said, “Yeah, go ahead and tell me.”
Daniel said with a grin, ”It’s Donald Trump.”
He suddenly had my full attention. I asked him a couple of questions then I decided that the political animal in my house would want to know. She had come home about 12:15 a.m. and got into bed.
I dialed the number. When she answered sleepily, I cut to the chase, “Donald Trump is president.”
“You’re kidding,” she said, suddenly wide aware.
Then, “I’m going to get up and watch it on TV.”
Before I left the office Wednesday morning, Kimball arrived to help insert papers. When I first arrived with the papers, Nancy Dissler asked me who won and I was able to pleasantly surprise her.
I got home about 9 a.m. and didn’t watch any TV. I just cashed in my chips for some beauty sleep. Needed more chips.
It was my lot to lead prayer meeting Wednesday night. I just had one thought during the afternoon, “Pray for them.” I ran a couple of references and that’s what I read – about praying for our leaders. Never really had that thought before, but I do now. Good for all of us to do. KL
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