Kimball covers the city council meetings so I can go to ambulance board on Monday nights. She sometimes asks me to proof her report but I didn’t pay attention well enough to catch the change in the Christmas light winners: The judges no longer choose one in each of the four wards, just 1, 2, 3 and 4 anywhere in the city limits. I see why. Under the old system, the No. 2 winner would have gotten nothing because it and No.1 are in the old NW Ward 1.
– Once “back when,” I and a partner fished all day in 19 ̊ weather in a club bass tournament on Lake Logan Martin in Alabama dipping our rods in the water occasionally to clear the ice out of the guides and pounding the ice out of our Ambassadeur reels. I caught one sub legal bass off of a sandbar point on a crank bait. A guy in the club went up a big creek, found stained water and caught bass up to six pounds on a yellow Arbogaster crankbait.
There’s two chances I’d be out fishing in weather that cold now – slim and none – and slim just went for hot chocolate.
– This is the kind of weather when one of Dad’s cows or calves would try to get their foot in my boot with me when we were working the herd. I heard from Mary yesterday that my neighbor, Scott Morris, had a disagreement with one of his cows and hurt his leg. I called this morning to see if he needed any help. Well, it was two weeks ago, Scott said, and he’s back on his feet. Seems he tried to separate a 550 lb. bull calf from a group of heifers for obvious reasons.
It was quickly too obvious to the young bull which charged Scott and caught him just as Scott was trying to get over a fence. X-rays showed the young bull didn’t break anything or cause blood clots on the leg he brutalized.
Scott had intended to sell the little bull as a herd sire, but he will now sell the little steer as a feeder calf. There are consequences for bad acts. Can you imagine that animal as an ill-tempered 2,000 pounder? Scott could.
– Only 10 days until Christmas.
– Bella brought Kimball a mouse for Christmas and left it on the north steps.
– Oh, they tell me my birthday is Wednesday. Kimball fixed my favorite, Mom’s pineapple upside-down-cake a few days ago to let it sog and took it to the church dinner Sunday to get me some help eating it, then I brought what was left to the office Monday.
And it’s gone before my birthday. Good deal. KL
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