I start each Sunday watching the Old Fashion Gospel Hour while I eat breakfast. It is aired at 7 a.m. on Channel 27. We set our TV to record it and we watch it at 8 a.m.
The program is sponsored by about 25 Missionary Baptist Churches in Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana. Marlon Collins told me about it several years ago. I’ve watched it ever since and I’ve never heard anything I don’t believe. The congregation of the particular church sponsoring it that Sunday sings some songs, then their pastor preaches – not a written out sermon – It’s the real deal. The entire program lasts a half hour. If you want to know what the Missionary Baptist Church believes, tune in.
Once when our former pastor, Bro. Dewayne Burdette, was at Concord, I asked if he was familiar with the program. He said, “I watched it this morning.”
I didn’t feel strong enough to attend former superintendent Mark Koca’s funeral Sunday afternoon, but Kimball went. I tried to pray for the family that God would help them through what had to be a trying time and through the lonely days that will follow. Years ago, I spent 20 days in a pneumonia induced coma and just woke up. I kept hoping Mark would wake up.
Several years ago, after a school board meeting in the Middle School, outside in the yard, Mark told me about his heart condition. Since the school board knew about it, I didn’t consider it newsworthy and didn’t tell anybody.
I’m trying to get my blood sugar down so one or more neuro-surgeons can reroute the excess water in my spine to my stomach. I’ve been told that was almost a miracle worker for some folks.
As you know, I try to end the conversation with something humorous each week. Sorry, Nuthin’s funny this week. KL