Kimball went to Clint Stacy’s funeral. I couldn’t because my walker won’t let me climb stairs to the gym. She estimated the crowd at 400 to 500. She said both preachers did a good job, expecially his father-in-law, Ron Pitts.

She brought me a funeral folder. That was the best obituary I have seen in our years at the paper. I thought Clint had a cute way of getting Amanda’s sttention – flowers from a secret admirer. Worked.

Hope all you mothers had a good day. I still miss my mom and dad. I occasionally have a question I’d like to ask them. I never went to school without having a good breakfast – eggs, biscuits, meat. I could never have gotten out of the house with the new style of blue jeans with holes in them.

Mom always had a huge garden. My sister, Margaret, and I got to help break beans for canning. I still don’t like green beans or potatoes. Got to hos the garden, pick strawberries and help Dad and Grandpa Long carry out watermelons. Grandpa guarded his patch with a shotgun and used it. The heart out of 60 lb. Texas Giant was good but not that good. Never stole a watermelon in my life. Never had shot picked out either.

Helped hoe watermelons and pile vines for cultivating.

We’ve never had a garden at our house.

We have a full time job at the newspaper. Kimball has flowers.