Thank you so much to the El Dorado Springs Community and all the folks that came to the Picnic from wherever and purchased one of our t-shirts. Friday night’s entertainment, Dylan Gerard, saw our shirts and bought one and so did one of his band mates. As of Monday evening, we have four mediums left.

  By-the-way, it was Davis’s idea and he and I are already looking at colors for next year with names like celadon, monarch, terracotta and yam. We’re also thinking about offering tank tops as well. But that is a long way off. We’ll decide on the color and start taking orders in June 2024 for the 143rd Picnic. There will be a different picture on the back. And I should add, “the Lord willing.”

Another thing I Iearned from this Picnic is that it is a lot of fun to sit out in my alcove and watch people walk by. We used it as sort of an open-air market for the T-shirts complete with a couple of fans running at full speed and one of our big screen TV’s playing something about football – continually.

Local grandchildren Reese and Nash had a go at the Picnic and next year Louisiana grandchildren Van, Snider and June will hopefully be here.

Picnic always indicates a change in the season even though it might continue to be hot for some time. It’s not a winter springs, summer, fall thing. It is a change in people expectations and the knowledge that within a month school will start. It is a change in focus as summer things are slowly put away and the thought of cooler weather tempers the present heat.

In other words, the Picnic is the door to the next phase of life in our town.

Did I ever tell you that for the longest time when I was little, I thought I lived in Italy?

Maybe another time.
