This seems to be a very busy time of year. There is the same amount of stuff going on – Valentines, daylight savings, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter – same stuff just busier. So busy, I forgot Spring Break.
If you want to join a book club, go by the El Dorado Springs branch of the Cedar County Library at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 19. That is also the first day of Spring.
The TOPS Annual Baked Potato luncheon is scheduled for March 21 from 11 – 1 at the El Dorado Springs Community Center banquet room.
I understand that AJ’s Diner (formerly Bulldog Brew) will open on Monday, March 18.
Speaking of spring, popular springtime activities are around the corner: Snagging season (March 15-April 30); Turkey season (Youth-April 6 and 7, Regular (April 15-May 5) and Morel mushroom hunting. KSL
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