The Renaissance Festival in Bonner Springs starts at the end of the week. I’ve been talking to the folks up there since Aug 1 about getting some tickets. They say they are coming, but they didn’t mention by what conveyance. Possibly by a Renaissance era ox cart. The same ox cart that our Missouri football tickets are on.

I heard someone say the other day that some tree leaves are already changing color. I saw that too but I just thought the leaves were dead.

I’m still hoping I can get someone to mow my lawn. I’m desperate enough to suggest that if I  scalp it really good, I won’t have to mow it again until right before frost.

My black cat, Diane, is practicing for Hallowe’en. She was on my lap the other day when she looked over my shoulder. Her eyes got really big and she looked a little uneasy. “I know that trick,”, I said to her. But it was kind of creepy.           KSL

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