Bob Estes told me last week that compasses are hemisphere specific. I had to look that up. Never having made plans to travel in the southern hemisphere, if I did know, I forgot.
I found out “It’s convenient to think of a compass as pointing towards the magnetic north pole, but you could just as easily say it points towards magnetic south. The real issue here is that the needle will align itself along magnetic field lines, which run at an angle to the surface of the Earth which varies based on latitude. So, a globally balanced compass can adjust for these different angles, while a standard compass will not work if you go too far north or south.”
Anyway, Bob was in Johannesburg, South Africa a while ago to see the Southern Cross. You can look that one up, too.
The El Dorado Springs Fire Department had their annual appreciation dinner on Saturday at the Church of God Holiness Family Life Center. We got to eat first because you never know when the fire department or the ambulance might be called out.
Adrian said they are supposed to have 3 – 5 inches of snow in St. Francisville, LA – chance of snow 90%.
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