Christmas snuck up too fast

by Dora Jean McKinley Marilyn Entrikin said Christmas decorations are up everywhere. Since it has cooled off, she hasn’t see Tersea Brewer on the front porch lately. Tersea’s dad died, he had Barone for a while. That’s when she moved to Chapman Estate. Saturday was cleaning day at her church. The reward was donuts and

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Slow cooker tips for tasty meals

As the weather gets colder, there’s nothing like coming home to a hot meal. A slow cooker, also known as a crockpot, can be an economical, timesaving way to feed your family, says Susan Mills-Gray, University of Missouri Extension nutrition and health education specialist. “Most households have a slow cooker, but most rarely use it

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Gardening to distraction

Poinsettia Trivia So you can easily change the subject at your family dinner table over this Christmas holiday, here are some interesting facts about the Christmas “flower,” the Poinsettia: 1. The Poinsettia is not really a flower, it is a small tropical tree Euphorbia pulcherima, part of the spurge family. In their native habitat of

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4 Tips for Better Sleep

It’s no secret sleep is critical to one’s overall health and well-being. We’ve all heard getting six to eight hours of sleep is recommended, but busy work schedules and ongoing personal commitments make it difficult to make sleep a priority. So how can you ensure you’re getting quality shuteye? Next time you’re ready to crawl

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Christmas with the Shaw family

We all got together on the Sunday before Christmas. There were two daughters out of three that are left out of 12 kids of the late Jake and Eula Shaw. One of the daughters could not make it. There were less of the grandkids and great-grandkids this year because of the weather but hope next

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Speedy recovery Carolyn Kenney

by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen Mt. Zion Home Bible study is held in the home of Tom and Beverly Pelkey each Tuesday at 7 p.m. to study the Bible with 10 in attendance. Mt. Zion Club met Dec. 21 at the Landmark Restaurant in Lowry City with 13 members present for their Christmas Lunch

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TOPS hears how to avoid overeating

Jean had the program today. She spoke on a program from TOPS on how to handle not over eating at family get-togethers. We need to plan in advance, do more socializing rather than eating, offer to help clean up, wash dishes, instead of going back for seconds. Remember that food is only one part of

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Merry Christmas

From: Kenny, Kimball and Davis Long, Adrian and Cain Gilfoil, Mary True, Gwen Nickerson, Nancy Dissler and C.W. Spohn

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OSHA cites numerous hazards at Barrington Mfg.

A federal workplace safety inspection – that occurred only after a federal court ordered an El Dorado Springs sheet metal manufacturer to allow inspectors to respond to complaints of unsafe working conditions and employee injuries – led to the discovery of more than a dozen repeated and serious violations and an assessment of $138,430 in

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Don’t wait ‘til Christmas

ALMOST THERE – In a short time the El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce has been able to collect $39,500 in pledges for a $44,000 matching grant that would provide sidewalks on North and South Park and from the corner of Park and Hospital Road, east to Hwy. 32. This is Phase II of the

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