
What’s a verification code, and why are they so important?

Six-digit verification codes are a form of two-factor authentication, a process that helps keep your important online accounts secure. For example, you might get a text message or email with a six-digit code that you must enter when you log into your bank account. This extra level of protection keeps scammers and hackers out. Scammers

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2024’s Most religious states

With 38% of adults in the U.S. considering religion very important in their lives, the non-profit organization SmileHub today released new reports on the Best Charities for Faith & Religious Support and the Most Religious States in 2024. In order to highlight the states that care the most about religion and the ones where it

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Tori Fugate named Communications Director of Shelter Animals Count

Shelter Animals Count is thrilled to announce that Tori Fugate is joining our team as our new Director of Communications. Tori is an award-winning communications professional in the field of animal sheltering and is recognized as an industry leader. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our organization, and we are excited to

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Five travel tips for people with diabetes

(Family Features) Be it a short weekend trip to an epic destination or a longer trip to a dream spot, 212 million American adults are planning much-deserved vacations, according to The Vacationer’s Summer Travel Survey 2024. However, one thing travelers living with type 1 diabetes can’t leave behind: their diabetes. This is why many frequent

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Check out BBB’s back-to-school shopping tips

It’s almost time to go back to school, and families are stocking up on everything their kids need to have a great year! School supplies can add up, so it makes sense to search out the best deals – just make sure you’re not falling for a too-good-to-be-true price from an untrustworthy vendor. Plenty of

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Commission approves FY 2025-2029 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission today approved the FY 2025-2029 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies from July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2029. The five-year program is the largest to date and includes additional funding from General Revenue; passed by the Missouri General

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Facts consumers need to know to avoid utility impostor scams

What do you do if someone pretending to be a worker from a utility company knocks on your door? This is known as a utility impostor scam. Utility impostor scams can happen any time of year, but are especially common during extremely cold or hot weather when people can’t go without their heat or air

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BBB’s tips for keeping your cool this summer

It’s tempting to blast the AC in the muggy July heat, but for many, running the AC at full tilt all day is cost-prohibitive. Air conditioners eat up a lot of energy, accounting for six percent of the nation’s electricity use and costing homeowners a collective $29 billion annually. Luckily, there are steps you can

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