Letters to the Editor

Remember Memorial Day

This week we, as a nation, observed Memorial Day. We traveled to the burial sites of our departed loved ones and placed flowers on their graves and spent a bit of time in remembrance of them. Or maybe we took advantage of the big “Memorial Day Sale,” or celebrated by having family bar-b-que. That is

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Bozarth’s Response

Editor: Thank you for providing me with a modicum of grace, and not publishing my first response. It shows a true integrity and character and is greatly appreciated. You are correct in your response to my first letter that there have been some improvements to ElDo, but I regret that you missed the true nature

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Dear Mr. Bozarth – part II

I received your letter on Memorial Day. Thank you for your  military service. Please forgive me for not buying the one-foot in the grave scenario you keep preaching for El Dorado Springs. For two weeks in a row you’ve mentioned the failures of the past, the lack of leadership in years gone by and by

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Rodeo tragedy

Editor: I am very sorry for the recent death of the little girl involved in the barrel racing.  But my second thoughts are with the horse who must have been literally driven to it’s own early demise by an ambitious rider.  We need to take a moment to remember the animal.  I send my prayers

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