Letters to the Editor

Rice resigns from Ambulance Board

Editor: A letter to the citizens of Cedar County Ambulance District 1: I have served as your elected representative on the CCAD Board of Directors since April 2011 and am grateful for the trust you placed in me to represent your interests. After evaluating several issues in my life I have decided the time has

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Judges can do that

I was called to serve on  a federal jury a few years back. The man on trial had placed a pipe bomb in the truck bed of his wife’s lover. The bomb was found by the lover’s four-year-old son before it was detonated. Russell Clark was the federal judge. Specialists were called in from all

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8 reasons to put a hearing test at the top of your ‘done’ list

Of all the life hacks for better living, taking care of your hearing is among the smartest – and it yields an incredible ROI. In short, getting a hearing test is worth it. No matter what your age, untreated hearing loss can take its toll. The catch is, hearing loss is stealthy. It’s usually hard

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Chickens don’t stink

In regards to an article several weeks ago about the chicken house being built in this area. I know many families that built them and I know they don’t stink as the article stated. These people are some of the nicest people I know. They are like everyone else, trying to make a living. Name

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Thank You for Your Support

I would like to take the time to thank the citizens and businesses in our community that showed their unwavering support to our enforcement officers. We are in a time in our nation’s history that is seeing an extreme change in the ethics, morals and values of our citizens. These changes are concerning to me

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Endorsing Jim Bob

Editor: James McCrary For Cedar County Sheriff. McCrary Man of his Word. As a local businessman of over 30 years in Cedar County I strongly recommend and endorse James “Jim Bob” McCrary for Sheriff. When I go to the polls to vote I look at how the candidates have conducted themselves during their political campaign.

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Problem tree still is

Editor: In the May issue of the Sac Osage Co-Op News on the back page is the Manager’s Column and in this issue he gives tips on where trees should be placed in relation to overhead utility lines. In the final paragraph we are cautioned about attempting to remove trees that are near power lines

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Cock fight-round II

Editor: Well we have another Harris supporting the chicken farmers and are very much opposed to the CAFO rules by telling us that the big corporate people will come in anyway and knock out the family farmers. The different thing Ms. Harris is the big ones will have to go by the same rules and

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Opposed CAFO rules

Editor: I have to speak up against the new CAFO ordinance. It will not stop the big multinational corporate companies from coming to this county should they decide to. All it does is make it more difficult for the individual small farmer to do business. The big companies have big money and a big payroll

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Les Ray responds

Editor: In answer to Gary Vickers response to my letter: Nowhere in the letter did I state that the VFW or members thereof were unpatriotic as you accused. Furthermore, the flag at the cemetery was at full staff that morning when I went to honor my family members buried there. The proper flag etiquette is

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