Letters to the Editor

Water quality expert to speak Friday, Nov. 17

Editor, Recently retired University of Iowa research engineer, Dr. Chris Jones, author of “The Swine Republic, Struggles with the Truth About Agriculture and Water Quality,” accepted an invitation to speak this Friday, Nov. 17, at the Judy Thompson Conference Center on the Drury University Campus, 609 Bob Barker Blvd, Springfield. Doors open at 5 p.m.;

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We don’t want to become sheep

Editor, Since I wrote my first letter to the editor, followed by another one 2 weeks later, not one person from the CCMH board has been able to refute any data or facts that were in my letters. So, I’m going to provide the people of the county some more information. My husband, Harold Fugate,

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Where have you been the last 39 years?

Editor: My name is Angie McWilliams. I am the Business Office and Registration Manager at Cedar County Memorial Hospital. I will have you a little background. I was born at CCMH, I graduated from El Dorado Springs High School, I married a hometown boy and have lived there my entire life. I came to work

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Reach out to us

I would like to take a moment to share my experiences at CCMH. I started back with CCMH in December of 2022. Coming from a larger facility I immediately saw positive differences. Everyone at CCMH made me feel welcome, including administration. However, when I came on a provider I worked with , who I thought

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Thanks administration and board

Editor: My name is Chris Roe. I have been a Cedar County Resident my entire life. I was Born and raised in El Dorado Springs to a mother and father who were also Lifelong Cedar County Residents. As a family we all consider CCMH our Family Hospital. I have been employed with CCMH for a

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Imagine clean, reliable, affordable electricity

Editor, In recent years, our friends at Renew Missouri have been actively advocating for rural electric cooperatives (RECs) to transition from coal-fired power plants burdened with debt, towards more economic and environmentally friendly local energy sources. RECs can now take advantage of new federal programs to do this without undue financial burden to themselves or

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A call for cultivated meat research

Editor, Members of the bipartisan Congressional Animal Protection Caucus should support a massive increase in federal funding for cultivated-meat research. For readers who aren’t familiar with the term, cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter. No other policy, with a reasonable shot of becoming law, has the potential to reduce more animal suffering

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More information about CCMH

Editor, Our beloved Cedar County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) is in grave danger under the leadership of its current CEO, Mr. Terry Nichols.  Some of the current Board members are ignoring serious warnings from at least two separate CEOs who took over for Mr. Nichols before he came to CCMH that he has “no business being

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Board’s response to Fugate letter

Editor: First and foremost, it must be understood that the CCMH Board of Trustees and only the Board controls what takes place during our meetings. While the CEO does provide input for the agenda, it is the responsibility of the Board to set that agenda. Further, the protocols for public participation in a Board meeting

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Clarifying a few things

Editor, There are some misconceptions going around town and at Cedar County Memorial Hospital. I need to clarify a few things to the public and the hospital employees.  When I called to get on the agenda, one week prior to the board meeting, to speak to the Cedar County Hospital Board of Trustees on September

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