Letters to the Editor

Obama’s legacy

Editor: One thing you have to say for this failed Presidency, Obama has been like a dog on a bone in his effort to destroy this nation and he is not through yet. He is determined to destroy us and he is doing a darn good job of it with the help of the Democratic

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They don’t care

Editor: The problem isn’t that Hillary is an unethical, corrupt, lying criminal dirtbag; everyone already knows that. The problem is that her supporters don’t care. Mark E. Rogers El Dorado Springs

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All of a sudden

Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America. All of a sudden Islam is taught in schools. All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in school, airports and businesses. All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons. All of a

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Lawn mowing

Editor: I’d like to join the number of citizens who are unhappy re: exceptions being made for property “issues”/code violations. First of all, I’d like to say I’ve met the code enforcement officer as I’ve adopted dogs from the city pound. I feel that she’s a nice young lady with an overwhelming job. The problem

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Thanks for the support

There are times in life that the actions and conduct of those around us take us aback for a moment. That happened recently to those of us who currently serve as the Board of Directors for Green Mound Cemetery in Harwood, Missouri. Small rural cemeteries sometimes struggle to make ends meet with the demands of

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The Rock Wall

Schell City is getting ready to celebrate the 145th anniversary of the town next weekend, Sept. 8-9. That’s 10 years older than El Dorado Springs. Sounds like they have a lot of good times planned. We always photo the royalty coronation. There might be some other things you’d want to attend, like the smorgasbord. Story

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Inmates run asylum

Editor: It is almost impossible to believe that a nation that has accomplished what the United States of America has accomplished in 200 years by becoming the most powerful nation on our planet can allow itself in eight short years to become the biggest joke on the planet and all for the use of political

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Public Confidence Threatened

Editor: I write to you regarding a matter which threatens the administration of justice and public confidence in the Missouri court system. I refer you to Dustin W. Dunfield v. Jason Mosher, Case No. 16VE-CV00423 in the Circuit Court of Vernon County, Missouri, in Nevada. I am an attorney. I have practiced law in Nevada,

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White Trash Bash Caplinger Mills

Editor: In regards to the White Trash Bash that was held here in Caplinger Mills, last Saturday Night Aug 13,2016.  I have read the Sheriffs comments in the Cedar County Republican He as you know is a FN liar. I was there , I live here and never saw him in the heart of the

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Hillary’s email problems

Editor By now, most of us know a bit about Hillary’s email problems. It’s too bad she lied about the emails she deleted not being classified, only to find out later that Wikileaks disclosed several of the emails which I will discuss at a later date. What’s funny is that I was going to congratulate

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