Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Editor: Most of us believe in an America where everyone had the freedom to thrive. Americans across races and places are rejecting MAGA Republicans who try to decide our futures for us. This election, lets show who we truly are: a place that chooses freedom over control by the few, hope over hatred, moving forward

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Please vote against abortion

I was sad to see the article in the paper that was pro abortion. The baby has rights, too. Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness. A worker for Planned Parenthood quit about 10 years ago because of what she saw the Planned Parenthood does with the aborted body parts.  She said Planned

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Please retract false statements

Editor: I am writing to urgently request a retraction of false statements made on social media, which have been circulated widely within our community. These statements allege that I have stolen property and have engaged in illegal activities against another person. Such allegations are entirely unfounded and untrue. These defamatory remarks have significantly damaged my

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Help Cedar County Kiwanis Club bounce back

Sadly, the Kiwanis Club of Cedar County was recently the victim of a theft. Their equipment was stolen, and without insurance, replacing it is a huge challenge. While the trailer was recovered, it’s now unusable, and NONE of their equipment was found. Their dedication to our kids is heart-warming, and we can’t let them be

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Morally wrong

Editor: In reply to the Feb. 7 letter about Gov. Parson and medical issues in Missouri, several clarifications are needed. First, it’s telling that this letter never once uses the word at the heart of this issue: abortion. The letter tiptoed around the topic using euphemisms like “private healthcare decisions.” No one of any party

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Is it back to the future?

Here is a little City of Stockton History for anyone who is interested. In the early 1980,s and prior to that, the City of Stockton only had a city Marshall / night watchman. The Sheriff’s Office at the time helped as much as they could (keep in mind that there may have been only one

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City attorney responds

Dear Residents of Stockton, As your City Attorney, it is my priority to ensure that our city’s decisions and partnerships are both beneficial and transparent, particularly when it involves community safety and responsible use of financial resources. After a thorough analysis and consideration of the longstanding partnership with Cedar County for police services, I believe

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Keep politicians out of your healthcare

I take issue with Gov. Parsons’ State of the State address. Everyone wants the best for our children, so I agree it would be nice if parents had help paying for childcare. But wouldn’t it be better if doctors in Missouri were allowed to use their vast knowledge and education to assist their patients in

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More info available

Editor, I’d like to response to yet ANOTHER “paid” letter to the editor last week by Robin Fugate. At 28:31 minutes into my recording of the September 20th meeting, she said: “Is there anybody in this group that wants to talk to Norma Owens from Iron County that knows all about Mr. Nichols.” I went

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Not impressed with 1st meeting

I attended my first board meeting of the hospital. As far as I’m concerned, it was nothing more than a joke. On member came in late, they didn’t seem to know what they were doing, was in a foul mood and immediately went in attack mode on Harold Fugate. They hide business from him, meet

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