Letters to the Editor

When will the fat lady sing?

Editor: As I write this (just before noon on Monday, Dec. 19,) members of the electoral college are casting their votes. By the time you read this, it will all be over. However, the official votes won’t be counted until Jan. 6. But some states will live stream their votes, and other states or electors

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It ain’t over til the Fat Lady sings

Editor: One would think that after the failed attempt to overturn Donald Trump’s president-elect status with the recount effort, all would finally come to a closure. Well, that is just not the case. I am sure that several of you have already heard about all the emails, phone calls, etc. that have swamped our electoral

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Good luck, Donald

Editor: The election is over and the President Elect says his intention is to drain the swamp, meaning get rid of the useless garbage that for so long has run both parties and brought progress to a stand still in our nation’s capitol. Good luck in doing that Donald for both major parties liked the

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Promises, promises

Editor: Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate and Hillary Clinton’s newest sidekick, has decided to challenge the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Jill knew it wouldn’t change the results in her own race, so one can only guess it must be her disdain for Donald Trump. Such a poor loser. Not only that,

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Keep trying, Kent

Editor: I am thankful that the election is over and we can get on with our life as we want to live it. It should be clear to everyone that the American people are sick and tired of being treated as a nation of idiots that can be lied to over and over and expected

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I’ll help them pack

Editor: I am sure that Hillary was smiling before the election started on Tuesday; after all, the mudstream media had her as a favorite to win the presidency. A lot of people who did not stay up to watch the results were in a state of shock when they woke up in the morning. Everyone

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No disruption to health care by planned CMH-Cox affiliation

Editor, Following our announcement that Citizens Memorial Hospital/Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation plans to affiliate with CoxHealth, there have been many questions in the community about how this will affect access to healthcare. With open enrollment underway, the biggest question I have heard is whether CMH will take your insurance. You should feel confident that

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Just want to share

Editor: As I was reading our local Waterloo Courier back in 1992, I found this article to be pertinent for the time and now, 20 years later even more so. I would like to share this with you. “Cedar Falls – Cal Thomas says most journalists prey on people, but he’s a journalist who prays

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Vote for Hillary

Editor: It is said that Ben Franklin told a woman, when asked in 1787: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” He said: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The United States has certainly almost not survived as a republic once, the Civil War, and possibly another time or two. Questioning

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Vote for our principles

Editor: Our nation today is facing a challenging time, perhaps the most challenging 200 plus year history. Not just the fear of terrorism, the risk of an economic collapse or the threats of war, but because we have drifted away from the founding principles and values that made the USA the greatest free society the

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