Rock Wall

The Rock Wall

I was just about to tell you I didn’t have anything this week and we all know that usually puts me into dangerous territory. Then when I tried to save Rock Wall 012518, my computer said I had already saved one. You probably know that I make a list each week if something comes up

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The Rock Wall

Tuesday was one of those tramatic days that comes to every household with a new baby, separation. Van turned 11 weeks old on Jan. 13. Adrian will go back to work on next week, so she took him to daycare for the first time Tuesday. When Adrian picked him up at 11:30 because Baton Rouge

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The Rock Wall

Saw a tow truck driver interviewed on a Springfield TV station the other morning after a freezing fog infected the roadways. He said that almost all of the vehicles he is called to tow are 4 WD or all wheel drive. He said people get over-confident not realizing that those vehicles may have better get

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The Rock Wall

I was talking to Gordon Hutchison, who wrote The Shootist column for Louisiana Sportsman for years but retired when he ran out of topics. I told him about the Rock Wall and sent him the column last week. He said it must be tough writing a personal column. I was fresh from a six-day visit

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The Rock Wall

It’s time to close the chapter on another year. It’s been eventful and all-in-all a good one. I was so busy last week I forgot to wish you a Merry Christmas. But, by now, you know what you’re supposed to have or you’ve decided that no one should tell you what kind of holiday to

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The Rock Wall

The ladies at the Clinic know me better than I know myself, which is the way of cats and kids, too. They asked me if I had a photo of our grandson, Van, on my phone. No, my phone isn’t really good with pictures. They insisted, so I looked. Sure enough there was a photo

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The Rock Wall

I tried out the new digital X-ray at the hospital a few weeks ago. Just walked in, handed them my paperwork, grabbed a spot on the wall, zap and I was done. It told Dr. Casey I had pneumonia. He prescribed some pills that got me over that. – At the grocery store Tuesday about

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The Rock Wall

I still don’t know what to say about the shock of Jordan Cantell’s death. She was two months younger than Davis. I can’t claim to have known her well. I know her parents and grandparents on both sides a lot better. Jordan was always a very pleasant young lady. Never heard a bad word about

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The Rock Wall

I’ve been working on my cough so I can get clearance to go see that baby. He turned one month old on Tuesday, Nov. 28, his original due date. At his doctor’s appointment Monday, he weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz., up from his 5-15 birth weight. He is now strong enough to scream all night.

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The Rock Wall

Just got off the phone with two fine young businessmen – Mike Burns and Kevin McCollough. Mike is the president and owner of Auburn Pharmacy which bought out the Wilkinson Pharmacy chain Aug. 1, 2017. The name AuBurn Pharmacy is a compilation of his last name and the last name of his partner in the

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