Rock Wall

The Rock Wall

Today is the opening day of Missouri shotgun turkey season. I learned that from the morning TV news. In past years I would have scouted, at least by listening, and would have had a pretty good idea where several gobblers roosted and which way they normally went when they flew down. But just when you

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The Rock Wall

I asked Davis if he had anything for the Rock Wall. He had been reading the first one I wrote that’s in a framed plate of the first page one on the wall. He said I told readers we needed help covering the news so please call, text or email us if they learned something

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The Rock Wall

I didn’t want to work on Sunday so here I set at the keyboard at 2:65 a.m. Monday. I was waiting for something significant to talk to you about. I got it Sunday morning. For about the last 12 years I have watched “The Old Fashion Gospel Hour,” a 30 minute program put on Channel

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The Rock Wall

This is a first: a combination Rock Wall and fishing report. Reason: cold weather. I had trouble as always getting my cell phone to work out here in the country so Kimball took over, talked to the fishing reporters and relayed the messages. Bobby Dains said the spoonbills are waiting for warmer water and a

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The Rock Wall

I woke up in the middle of one night and felt like I should have this conversation with you. Dad was 16 when he and his brother and sister started attending the Missionary Baptist Church at Pace Town. He asked his mom in the kitchen how he would know if he needed to seek the

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The Rock Wall

Oh, my goodness. Sitting in the Opera House Theater watching the girls basketball game on Saturday afternoon was almost as good as being there in Springfield. We cheered and clapped and crossed our fingers for another State Championship. But with no time left, Fair Grove squeaked into the winner’s circle with two more points than

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The Rock Wall

Kimball is working so hard at having a green thumb that she may have a red thumb with blisters on it. She’s got about 40 small pots on four trays with seeds or starts in them that she on puts on the picnic table on the deck on “nice” days then brings in to the

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The Rock Wall

Kimball came home from town and told me Matthew and Bruce Rogers started 2023 with another crappie tournament win. It was last Saturday on Lake Darbonne in Louisiana. Matthew has a $3,500 depth finder that lets them see individual crappie. He ties his own jigs. Ever heard of a racing quarter horse? They can be

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The Rock Wall

All week I’ve asked Kimball what I should talk to you about this week. I figured you’d be tired of shot down UFOs. But they just keep coming. There have been four since Feb. 4. Somebody keeps sending cannon fodder. I heard a reporter ask an Air Force general if there are more objects in

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The Rock Wall

I bought a bunch of bulbs last fall and when they arrived I didn’t have time to plant them, so I stuck them in my refrigerator and didn’t get them out until last week. Each bulb has its own pot which is labeled with what it is (allium) and its fancy name (Persian blue). They

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