Rock Wall

The Rock Wall

There’s nothing quite like a small town doctor’s office for service and patient knowledge. About 4:30 Monday I felt really bad. I immediately dialed the Clinic and my friend, Judy Carver, answered.  She chastised me half if jest, I think, for waiting so late to call. I told her it had just happened. I knew

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The Rock Wall

I am sorry to hear about the death of Randy K Bland, owner of Bland-Hackleman Funeral Home.  Jeanne Hoagland said he was quite an athlete, fleet of foot. Maybe that explains the part in his obituary where he played softball with his kids and hit a triple, then thought about trying to turn it into

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The Rock Wall

Social distancing was not an issue when Kimball and I ate our Picnic meals on the Rock Wall the first two days. We were the only ones. On Saturday, my law breaking ways caught up with me.  Sheriff McCarty sat down by us as we ordered our hamburgers from the new Lions Club wagon. At

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The Rock Wall

Picnic here. And so’s the hot weather. I don’t know if it’s the virus or the heat, but the Picnic Committee has cancelled the turtle jump and the frog pull for this year. I’m sure the critters won’t miss it. – I had a request from city hall to tell you that running your air

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The Rock Wall

From the TOPS news: Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST (Abraham Lincoln) – On Independence Day, we were independent. I kinda had a stomach bug and Kimball gave our Boultinghouse roses some much-needed attention.  Grandpa Alvin Boultinghouse’s mother brought a bush all the way from Washington state by

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The Rock Wall

On his last day as El Dorado Springs superintendent, Mark Koca sent me his Fiscal Year 20 budget message. Its 10 typed pages are chock full of good information. I’d like to use it in the paper, but Kimball says there isn’t room, so I’ve asked Gwen to put it on our web page,

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The Rock Wall

Kimball and I got a shock last Wednesday evening. I had rushed home after work to take a quick nap before we went to prayer meeting. I laid down at 5:30 and set my alarm for 6:45. When I sat up, I could see Caddeaux’s tail down by the cedar chest at the foot of

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The Rock Wall

At the R-II School Board meeting last Thursday night. I was impressed that so many teachers were there. When we first went in, I went over to Penny Eason and told her, “You get your husband back tonight.” Darrell retired after 21 years on the board. The teachers were there to honor the  retirees. The

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The Rock Wall

If you want to talk about neighbor helping neighbor, the El Dorado Springs Volunteer Fire Department’s fundraiser to help the Caplinger Mills Volunteer Fire Department last Saturday raised $15,700. – Kimball had an appointment in Springfield last Thursday and I rode shotgun. I don’t think I’d volunteer for road duty like that again, but I

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The Rock Wall

I’m having this chat with you the day before the election where the hospital tax will be on the ballot. I was in school here when Cedar County Memorial Hospital was first built, but I never paid much attention to it and just took the hospital for granted. About seven years ago, on a Friday

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