Rock Wall

The Rock Wall

Cedar County Sheriff James McCrary called Thursday to tell me about a service he was going to start Monday of this week. In cooperation with Woods Supermarket in El Dorado Springs and Stockton, deputies, first responders and other volunteers will deliver groceries to elderly, disabled persons, veterans or anyone who has an elevated health risk

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The Rock Wall

The office crew let’s me go home before they finish laying out your newspaper so I don’t see all the headlines on the front page. I interviewed Cedar County Northern Commissioner Don Boultinghouse about the 2020 Cedaar County budget and quoted him and Cedar County Clerk Heather York who gave me more valuable information for

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The Rock Wall

We celebrated Reese’s first birthday on Saturday, March 7, one day late. But I’m pretty sure the one day delay wasn’t a concern. Her only concept of time is right now if she wants something and never, if her mom says it’s nap time. There were a whole bunch of people she knows and loves

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The Rock Wall

Larry Dablemont must have read my mind. One of the Springfield TV channels made a big deal out of the start of trout season on March 1. I told Kimball that I wouldn’t want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with a horde of “fisher people” trying to catch pen raised fish barely a foot long. Larry said

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The Rock Wall

You know that I don’t get into national politics, but I will tell you that if I had heard Michael Bromberg when I was a senior in High School, I might be a farmer today. I grew up on a farm and was in FFA. I wanted to farm but I figured it would take

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The Rock Wall

I talked to Tonia Molz on Friday on the phone for a little while to get some school board info so I asked her again about how her dad got his name. She had asked her mom and Marge thought Tuffy’s dad gave his kids their nicknames. There were four girls and four boys with

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The Rock Wall

I called Tonia Molz to give my condolences on the death of her father, Tuffy Marshall. She seemed to be doing very well as it was not unexpected. In fact, she said that for the past month, Tuffy had said he wanted to go. I always called him the Virgil City Marshall.  I guess his

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The Rock Wall

How ‘bout them Chiefs? Kimball  has a lot more faith than I do, evidently. When the Chiefs were behind 20 – 10 in the 4th quarter, I kinda gave up hope. She didn’t. But she left the room quite frequently to go do some chore in the back bedroom. If I saw a good commercial,

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The Rock Wall

There are big things afoot in El Dorado Springs, but I don’t have much hard information for you. One bit of solid info – on Monday a bulldozer was moving dirt on the west side of First Street across from Woods Supermarket. City Manager Bruce Rogers told me that the long rumored Dollar General Store

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The Rock Wall

– I don’t know how much condolences to give the Budd family on the death of Frances, their wife, mother, grandmother.  Why? Because she’s finally out of her misery. Brother Bobby was our pastor at Concord for at least two years. He brought Frances when she was able to go. It was obvious she was

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