Rock Wall

The Rock Wall

You might want to tune into Spring City TV on Friday, May 29, to view Michelle Leroux’s show and tell on the Hospital Tax issue. Kimball made the same offer to those opposed and did not have any takers. It will probably air about noon. Michelle has experience working in another hospital and is quite

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Have you seen the signs up and down Hwy. 54 and in some yards in town each with a graduating EHS senior’s name on it? What a nice tribute. I did a little checking and learned it was the brainchild of Penny Daradowski. She ordered them for $11 each (her cost) for parents, family members

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The Rock Wall

Reese came by the office Monday to wish Kimmie a happy Mother’s Day. At a little over a year, she jabbers a lot but only says two things we can understand for sure: DaDa and Momma. And she lit up with she saw her friend, Gwen, come to the door of Kimball’s office. Reese used

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The Rock Wall

Tuesday, May 5, was Cinco de Mayo which we know was Caddeaux’s birthday in 2010, and unusual for a cat, we know the names of his momma and daddy. I say, “know”, at least we were told but I don’t remember them. Once we were down in Springfield at Jan’s Cattery (is that better than

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The Rock Wall

I had what is likely my last phone conversation of this year with Trish Yasger, the MDC spoonbill expert. The season ends Thursday so it’s now or never. I was telling Trish about one of my past times in Louisiana and she decided to uninvite me to take her fishing in Louisiana or Mississippi. I

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The Rock Wall

Light at the end of the tunnel is a phrase I’ve heard quite a bit lately, with the implication it is a good thing, like the end of a troubled time. But what if the light is a train coming? – Derrill Price sent a photo of a truck stop marquee: Pro Tip: You should

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The Rock Wall

Finally, the explanation I have been looking for about the run on TP. I just got an email that says, “ Diarrhea May Be an Early Sign of COVID-19, According to Doctors One study found that nearly 20% of people reported it as their first symptom. – Saw a neat idea on TV Monday morning

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The Rock Wall

Tough times bring out the best in people. We’ve been beat down way too much with the “bad news” about the virus. I don’t even want to watch the TV news. I prefer to watch one of the shows we have recorded. Oh, I know I have to keep up for you, but I’m trying

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The Rock Wall

Last Tuesday when Kimball and Davis delivered Sun newspapers to the stores, I got a pleasant surprise from what they told me: Over the counter paper sales were strong. That tells me you are looking to us for local information on the virus. And that’s exactly what we are doing our best to provide you.

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The Rock Wall

Cedar County Sheriff James McCrary called Thursday to tell me about a service he was going to start Monday of this week. In cooperation with Woods Supermarket in El Dorado Springs and Stockton, deputies, first responders and other volunteers will deliver groceries to elderly, disabled persons, veterans or anyone who has an elevated health risk

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